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Monitor calibration

Getting video monitors and AV projectors right for broadcast displays

Monitor calibration

Getting video monitors and AV projectors right for broadcast displays

We won't make your monitor look great - we'll make it correct

When you’re working on colour-critical projects you need to be certain that what you see is what others will see. For only £350 for your first monitor and £75 for each monitor thereafter, our monitor calibration services will make sure your video monitors and AV projectors are colour accurate, and right for broadcast displays. Monitors covered include: Sony PVM, Sony BVM, Boland, Flanders, JVC and Barco.

Read on or get this info to go in our data sheet below. 

In a nutshell...

Calibrate the colour response of your monitor to a known state to achieve consistent colour behaviour, so what you see on screen matches what is seen on other displays.

Set up consistent colour environment between graphics, editorial and editing departments.

Remove the worry that your content might look great in an editing suite, but awful at the broadcaster.

We can provide advice prior to monitor set up and lighting set-up, and help you maintain a colour workflow.

We work to BBC standard of grading, with a white point at 100 Cd/m2 and a colour temperature of 6504K.

What is monitor calibration?

The colours on your monitor change over time, and the aim of colour calibration is to adjust the colour response of your monitor to a known state. Very basically, it means that the colours you see on your screen will match what is seen on other displays

Customers expect that display monitors for film and TV editing, grading and QC will be calibrated to the accepted standard to be usable in professional workflows. You can specify and set up consistent colour environments between graphics, editorial and editing departments, to make sure that everything is up to scratch.

Prior to service

Our calibration service is primarily for grade-1 broadcast OLED, LCD and CRT-based monitors. By default we work to the BBC standard with a white point at 100 Cd/m2 and a colour temperature of 6504K (AKA “illuminant D”) although we are aware that facilities that grade for film will set their monitors slightly dimmer (in the 60-70 Cd/m2) for better Delta-E performance.

Please be aware that we can only work to a calibrated standard like Rec.709, so if you require calibration to another standard please let us know ahead of our site visit.

There’s a whole host of things we can do, so we need to speak to either the colourist/editor to understand what you need.

Other options: LUTs

Increasingly, people want to use high-end LCDs, Plasma, OLEDs, projectors and other domestic TVs for editing, which also need to be colour calibrated. Televisions are an order of magnitude brighter than grading levels and should be treated as client content monitors only, so for closer matching we can profile a TV and generate a look up table (LUT) to get those displays much closer to Rec.709 than just manual adjustment.

If you need us to profile a display to produce a monitoring LUT to match a TV or projector to a given standard, please bear in mind that this takes time (typically 2 hours for a 17-cubed LUT) and will require an external LUT box to ‘tame’ the monitor. We can advise how successful this is likely to be – if this is something you’re interested in, fill out the form below for a quote!

Onsite, our services include:

Lighting setup

We’ll make sure your work room is set up for grading with the right amount of ambient light, ensuring optimum white and black levels.

Setup by eye

We use a photometer (that reads the colour of the light coming from a monitor) to test your monitor, adjusting it to make it correct.

Ensuring it’s all working right

We use test camera footage to ensure the pictures look good. We’ll bring a portable replay device with SDI and HDMI outputs – if you have a monitor with other inputs, please let us know.

Cost and coverage

"Over the years we’ve been pleased to work with film and TV clients such as Shed Media, ITN, Channel Five, AMC Networks, Prime Focus, Molinare and NBC to name a few, to ensure correct colourimetry across their production and post-production workflows. Since the industry is going through a step-change to UHD/4K/HDR working, the importance of correctly calibrated displays is more important than ever."

Phil Crawley, Head of Systems Integration

Why Jigsaw24?

We won’t make your monitor look ‘great’, rather we will make it correct. Remember – the person in the QC suite at the broadcaster’s mastering facility will be looking at a calibrated monitor, not a great looking one. We’ve been working with creative industries for over 25 years, so have the experience and expertise you need, and have invested in all the right test equipment to get the job done.

We’re equipped to calibrate old-school CRTs, LCDs, OLEDs and projectors to the Rec.709 standard for television and any customer-specified standard for other uses. By default, we work to BBC standard grading, although we are aware that facilities grading for film will need to set their monitors slightly dimmer, which we can adapt to – get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

Want to know more about monitor calibration?

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