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Apple in the public sector: What makes Mac so great?

Macs pack in some of the fastest, most advanced technology you can get in a notebook or desktop workstation. They’re backed up by powerful Intel processors and speedy memory, not to mention one of the world’s most stable operating systems. The chances are, if you’re currently using a PC, then there’s a Mac that will do the job better. To give you an idea of what makes Macs a good choice for the public sector, we've rounded up our top seven reasons...

1. Macs cost less than PCs

We can work with you to find out how much making the switch from PCs to Macs will be, but in calculating ROI, the following should be taken into consideration:

Initial capital There may be cheaper PC options available, but how do they compare when it comes to specs? More often than not, the cost of the cheaper PC will also be reflected in size of hard drive, processing speed, etc.

Software costs OS X is far cheaper to upgrade (even with the launch of Windows 8) and you can run Windows on a Mac if you want to. When it comes to software, most will be available for Mac at the same price point as the PC equivalent.

Energy efficiency Apple is the only manufacturer whose entire range of products exceed ENERGY STAR guidelines – even the iMac is 2.4x better than the requirements. The Mac mini uses less power than a 60-watt lightbulb when in idle mode.

Manufacturing quality Macs are made to be hardwearing. They don’t just look shiny, they are made with aluminium cases to protect the internal hardware, meaning you’re less likely to replace them annually.

Productivity benefits Macs are incredibly fast and OS X includes functionality for speeding up the user experience, including the Dock and Finder, while the Apple ecosystem makes sharing and accessing files and sharing between devices an easy one.

Support costs In a study by Clearworks, 43% of respondents said that PC support costs were substantially or somewhat more expensive than their Mac support. While Macs can have higher upfront costs, the long-term support makes up for that – largely because of the self-help model.

Resale value While it’s not always possible to resell ageing hardware because of security problems, our research shows that Macs have a significantly higher resale value – around 30% after 3 years.

2. You can run Windows on a Mac

OS X has a built-in tool called Boot Camp that lets you load up Windows rather than OS X at boot-up. You do have to buy a Windows licence to be able to use Windows applications, but get the benefit of two platforms on a single machine – the speed of the Mac with the benefits of Windows. Alternatively, if you want to run Windows or Linux and OS X side-by-side, virtualisation options by VMware and Parallels can be used instead.

3. Macs can be integrated into PC environments

On a basic level, OS X has built-in support for the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Server and virtually all email services and providers. But from an IT management point of view, tools like Centrify DirectControl and Acronis ExtremeZ-IP now let you treat Macs as if they were PCs on your Windows infrastructure, and give Macs access to Windows file servers.

4. Macs can run Windows applications

Not through OS X they can’t, no. But most applications that are available for Windows and Linux have an OS X version available that is identical in functionality. Microsoft Office, for example, may be made by Microsoft but there has been a Mac version available since the early 90s.

For those applications that don’t have a dedicated OS X version, it’s always possible to run it through a virtualised Windows environment.

5. Macs are easy to pick up

Apple are constantly finding new ways to make computing a simpler experience. They were involved in the creation of the mouse, the iPhone and iPad have led the way in the rise of tablet computing, and OS X has always been known for its ease of use. For the end user, Apple’s attitude has always been to keep it simple and straightforward – hide the functionality you don’t need, and make it easy to get to the features that you do!

From an IT point of view, though, there’s always been a view that moving to Mac will mean a big shift in workflow and hours of training. Not the case. You could get us to manage your Macs for you, but tools such as Centrify mean that you can carry on managing Macs as though they are PCs.

6. Macs provide a secure platform

From a technology point of view, Apple have historically won the Mac/PC security battle. They are built on a UNIX foundation, which is known for its security and reliability, and integrate a Mach 3.0 microkernal and FreeBSD Svariant, making them far harder to hijack.

Added to that, OS X does everything from sandboxing apps to blocking apps from unsecure developers being downloaded (unless you want them to). And while Windows is starting to catch up by upping its security tech, it often requires the user to be more vigilant and responsive when it comes to installing updates and maintaining the system.

7. There's a Mac for everyone

From the lightweight MacBook Air for mobile working to the creative powerhouse that is the Mac Pro, there is a model of Mac to suit all job functions. To summarise:

• Macs cost less than PCs and work out as a better investment in the long run.

• Macs can run OS X, Windows and Linux, and all your applications will work on them.

• Macs integrate into existing Windows environments.

• Macs are easy for end users to learn.

• Macs are less likely to get clogged up with viruses and have security features built-in.


Want to find out more about how your organisation will benefit from Macs? Give our team a call on 03332 409 323 or email