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Why we love it: Adobe Acrobat Pro DC's Send for Signature

Long paper trails can be a real pain. Not only is paper fairly costly when compared to the paperless alternative, but no end of errors and delays go along with it, too. If you’re fed up of losing important work and having to keep track of who’s seen what, you’ll be pleased to hear that Acrobat Pro DC shifts everything from paper to screen, saving you money and reducing errors.

Acrobat Pro DC’s straightforward editing tools and document tracking and management functionality helps you improve day-to-day business processes and cut turnaround times. That way, your team can focus on the important stuff and benefit from increased productivity.

For us, it's Acrobat Pro DC's Send for Signature functionality that stands out among a myriad of awesome features. That's because we know managing and collecting signatures can be a massive roadblock for a lot of commonplace admin tasks. One study suggests that 37% of business leaders experience issues with agreements being signed by the wrong person or missing signatures and dates, 46% aren't sure they have copies of all signed agreements, and over half the problems everyone experiences in the office are related to documents that have either been misfiled or lost.1

Streamline the process

Acrobat DC simplifies the entire process of signing documents. Send for Signature lets users send documents for signing to multiple recipients, and allows them to sign in parallel with others or in a pre-determined order. From there, users can track them in real time, and see precisely when a document has been signed and returned. You can even set preferences to receive notifications as soon as recipients have signed documents, or prompt them for a signature with automatic reminders if you need to.

Increase productivity

Send for Signature reduces time spent creating documents, and helps users get them ready to be sent. Users can add fields and instructions with ease, and produce reusable document templates to cut even more time in the future.

Using Send for Signature, you'll notice a reduction in the amount of time you spend processing key documents. That's because signed documents and audit trails can be stored automatically and securely online, saving you a ton of admin time. And everyone gets a copy, too!

Create legally binding signatures

Send for Signature is covered by eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services), which is an established EU legal framework that monitors electronic signatures, electronic transactions, and involved bodies to ensure users have a secure method of carrying out business online. In the case of Acrobat Pro DC, it essentially allows Send for Signature to recognise signatures and make them legally binding.

What do we think to Acrobat Pro DC and Send for Signature?

Sally Newbold, our Accounts Manager, has been using Acrobat Pro DC and Send for Signature as part of her day to day document and PDF workflow for a while now. Here's what she had to say about it...

"I've found Send for Signature really straightforward to use. I had never used Acrobat to edit PDFs and documents before, but I found it super easy to work with even on my first try. I really like that I'm able to merge multiple documents into one PDF, can highlight text when reconciling PDF reports, and easily place watermarks on key documents."

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and Send for Signature are ideal for anyone looking to simplify the process of collecting and managing documents and signatures. Not only will they help you increase productivity and reduce admin time, but you'll be able to cut costs on print and postage too.

1 IDC - Business transformation through smarter document workflows PDF

If you want to know more about Adobe, Acrobat Pro DC or Send for Signature, give us a call on 03332 409 306 or email For all the latest news, follow @WeAreJigsaw24 on Twitter, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook.